Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Some subjects for studies V

The pale blue paper is painted with permanent blue, white, a little ivory black, and light red. In the shadows use the same colors, but substitute burnt sienna for light red and add raw umber. All the objects being laid in, giving the general effect of the whole, we return to the background and finish that. If there is an elaborate pattern in the material it must be treated in the following manner:

The most prominent part, that which most attracts the eye, is taken up, and with small brushes, that portion of the design is carefully painted in detail, using the medium gray already laid in as a ground work.

This part being carefully painted, the rest is merely suggested, by touches of color following the general direction of the design yet without attempting to go much into detail.

In the deep shadow, the background presents almost one flat, even tone, with rich touches of color broken in occasionally in the part nearest the light. The highest light on the background is also kept simple without much detail. The background must be managed so as not to attract too much attention, as the principal interest should be centered in the subject itself.

Some other interesting still life studies are - some old books, one lying open, the others carelessly arranged with strong effect of light and shade. Another subject is a stone jug and glass half full of beer, with plate of crackers and cheese.

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