Tuesday, October 11, 2011


COLORIST - The term which designates an artist who excels in coloring.
CONNOISSEUR - One who understands a work of art, a judge, literally, a knower.
Copy - A reproduction made by hand from some painting or other work of art.
CRUDE - A raw or immature condition of work in a picture.
COMPARATIVE MEASUREMENT - The opposite of actual measurement; measuring by comparative proportions of given objects, selecting one as a standard with which others are compared to ascertain their relative proportions.
DRY - A flat and unsympathetic manner of painting. A lack of technical freedom and address.
DETAIL - Literally opposed to mass. The parts in a picture demanding and receiving careful attention and finish.
EFFECT - The impression produced by a work of art. This may be secured by a studied or unstudied effort, but whatever strikes the beholder's senses as a dominant feature in a picture or sculpture, be it color, light and shade, or mere force of grouping, may be spoken of as its ejfect.

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