Wednesday, October 12, 2011


HANDLING - The mechanical manner of interpreting objects. The manual act of painting, brush work.
HARD - A rigidity of technique-the reverse of suavity of touch. As applied to a whole picture it signifies an unsympathetic and mechanical execution.
HATCHING - The laying on of strokes of brush or pencil in parallel lines, which are crossed and recrossed in the deeper shadows. This is most frequently used in crayon, pen-and-ink drawing, fresco work, and miniature painting.
HIGH LIGHT - The lightest parts of a picture, caused by the direct light falling upon objects.
IMPASTO - (Ital.) The manner of laying on the color in a picture with a view to the respective textures to be represented, but irrespective of light, shade, or color. Also refers to the thickness of the paint.
LABORED - When the effort by which a painting is produced is too evident, it is said to be labored.
LOCAL - The local color of an object is the nominal tint by which it is known, uninfluenced by any accidental conditions.
LAY-IN - The first application of pigment to a canvas is called the lay-in. A preparation for painting.
MASSES - In regarding an object in broad effects of light and shade without the introduction of any detail whatever, it is said to be seen in masses.

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