Monday, October 17, 2011


PLANES - The constructive surfaces of an object. In the head, for example, the temple is one plane, the forehead another.
QUALITY - The harmonious clement of tone and color which pervades a picture, but which is almost too subtle and intangible to be defined opposed to crudeness.
QUANTITY - The elements of weight and space in a composition.
RELIEF - The quality which gives the impression to an object of being a corporeal substance with the corporeal attributes of surface and projection.
REFLECTED LIGHT - A light received by an object from a secondary source, and not from direct illumination.
STUDY - A close and faithful transcription from nature, as a means of training, but not necessarily of much esthetic quality.
SKETCH - A word of many meanings. A delineation of a subject in color or black and white, without the care of a study, but with the mere vigor of an impression. A preparatory painting on a small scale of a subject to be treated much larger, and used by the artist to experiment upon in order to establish his effects.
SUBJECT - The theme represented by a painting.
STIPPLING - A method of working by little touches like dots, sometimes resorted to in water-color painting and frequently employed in miniature work.

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