Monday, October 17, 2011


STUDIO - (Ital.) The working-room of an artist.
STUMP - A prepared roll of soft leather, or paper, cut to a point and used in drawing to soften or blend the strokes of charcoal or crayon.
SURFACE LIGHT - Distinct from high light. A soft effect of light falling athwart the surface of an object, by which its texture is indicated.
TONE - This must not be confused with color, but may be defined broadly as a result of the harmonious combination of colors.
TORSO - (Ital.) The trunk of the body, generally applied to a dismembered statue.
TRANSPARENT - The reverse of opaque. A shadow is transparent when the tone is in just relation with its light.
SCUMBLE - This process, while somewhat similar, is the opposite of glazing, and consists of the application of a thin wash of opaque color diluted by oil, to the surface of a painting. Its effect is to change the general tone, and render less distinct the objects in the picture. The painting must be dry before the scumble is applied.
VEHICLE - See Medium.
VALUE - The term "value" in art signifies the comparative relation of tones irrespective of color.
WASH - In water-color painting, the flow of the transparent color upon the paper.

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